READ THIS NEXT: 194 Popular Girl Dog Names for Your Furry New Best Friend.

What’s So Significant About a Dog’s Name?

Not only can your dog’s name communicate information about its personality, but it also operates as an important training tool. Dogs usually hear their names prior to a command. The more familiar they become with their name, the faster they’ll pick up cues surrounding what’s coming next. Though they may not know that they exist as “Fido” or “Max,” they certainly know how to respond when those names are called. And recent research shows that once they get a feel for things, they really hold on tight to that information. A 2019 study published in Animal Cognition shows that dogs are able to differentiate their names from other sounds, even in a distracting environment, which is great news regarding their capabilities. The only downside to these findings is that they pretty much confirm if your dog seems to be ignoring you, he probably is.

165 Good Boy Dog Name Options

Don’t worry, the perfect boy dog name is out there. Check out the list below for some ideas for the new pup. We’ve incorporated the most recent trends into our list, so all options are up-to-date and in style.

Funny Boy Dog Names

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Food-Inspired Boy Dog Names

Tips for Naming Your Dog

Finding the perfect name for your male puppy isn’t easy. While the decision largely revolves around what you like and what your dog responds to, there are a few other factors to keep in mind.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

Keep It Short and Snappy

Most experts suggest limiting dog names to one or two syllables, something easy enough for the dog to process. Try to think of names that contain hard consonants, too. These sounds are easier for the dog to distinguish from surrounding noises.

Keep It Practical

While there’s no harm in getting creative with your dog’s name, keep this in mind: A big part of socializing your dog means spending time together outside of the house. With that, it’s probably best to avoid any name that might attract eyes at the dog park. Maybe stay away from the silly stuff. Definitely avoid inappropriate names, and cross the hard-to-pronounce options off the list as well.

Really Think About What Human Names You Might Want to Use

It’s tempting to give your new pet a human name, but it’s important to know which ones to rule out. It’s always nice to provide people you love with a namesake, but if there’s any possibility of it stirring up emotions, the gesture just isn’t worth it. You should also think about what names are already floating around your household. Try to avoid naming the new pup anything that sounds too similar to someone else’s. If you’ve got a Kerry living at home, Terry might not be a great choice. You get the idea.

Don’t Let It Resemble Other Common Commands

It’s not just other names that can stir up some confusion, either. Anything that sounds too close to a common command should also be avoided. While “Beau” sounds like a perfectly reasonable pick, it might be a little too close to “No” to make it worth it.

Get to Know The Dog’s Personality

Of course, it’s impossible to know what your dog is like before meeting them. And most new pet parents will have already picked out their pup’s name before bringing them home. But, if you can, it might be worth holding out, at least until you can get a better sense of what he’s like. Try narrowing down your list to your top two or three picks. After a few days, you’ll be able to know which one is the right fit.

Don’t Stress About It Too Much

To be clear, it’s important to pick out a name and stick to it—especially if you’ve already invested in all those embroidered accessories. Your dog’s name will also get rolled up into the training process, an undertaking that’s definitely better to begin sooner rather than later. Still, sometimes situations occur where you simply need to make a change (it’s not ideal, but it does happen). In these instances, you just need to put in the work and maintain the patience needed to get them used to whatever comes next.

Wrapping Up

That’s it for our list of boy dog names. Be sure to check back with us soon for more ideas to share with the ones you love. You can also sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss out!