On Feb. 10, the CDC changed its guidance regarding quarantine. Now, the CDC has ruled that people who have received the COVID vaccine are exempt from having to quarantine if they’re exposed to someone with a suspected or confirmed COVID case. And for more vaccine news, check out Don’t Do This Until a Month After Your COVID Vaccine, Experts Warn. In order to avoid quarantining after coming in contact with a positive COVID case, you need to meet all three qualifications laid out by the CDC: You must be fully vaccinated at least two weeks prior to the contact; the vaccination must have been within the past three months; and you need to be completely asymptomatic following your exposure to the COVID case. “Persons who do not meet all 3 of the above criteria should continue to follow current quarantine guidance after exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19,” the CDC writes. And for coronavirus signs to look out for, If You’re Over 65, You Could Be Missing This COVID Symptom, Study Says. “At this time, vaccinated persons should continue to follow current guidance to protect themselves and others, including wearing a mask, staying at least six feet away from others, avoiding crowds, avoiding poorly ventilated spaces, covering coughs and sneezes, washing hands often, following CDC travel guidance,” the CDC says. Per the agency, vaccinated people must also continue to follow applicable workplace or school guidance, such as wearing personal protective equipment or COVID testing. And for more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter. The recent adjustment of the CDC’s guidelines matches existing guidance that said people who have tested positive for COVID in the past three months are exempt from quarantining following contact with a potential or confirmed COVID case, unless they develop symptoms. “This recommendation to waive quarantine for people with vaccine-derived immunity aligns with quarantine recommendations for those with natural immunity, which eases implementation,” the CDC explains. And for more on vaccine rollout, You’ll Be Able to Get Vaccinated at Any Walgreens by This Date.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

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