All clearance items should have a small red sticker, which includes the original price on the far left side and the final price on the far right. Importantly, if you look in the top right hand corner, you’ll see a number with no explanation. That’s the markdown percentage, which lets you know how much you’re saving without any mental math or guesswork!ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb To find that little red sticker, you’ll need to know where to look. According to one blogger with a passion for Target deals, clearance items tend to be one of two places: featured prominently on an end cap (the shelves facing outward at the end of an aisle), or at the far end of the aisle itself, close to the end cap. Often Target will provide some hard-to-miss signage, but when they don’t, it’s up to you to scour that side of the aisle for the perfect deal. Thankfully, there’s an easy little trick for knowing when prices have hit rock bottom! The store reportedly marks down products every two to three weeks, starting with 30, then 50, then 70 percent off. Once you hit a 70 percent markdown, it’s almost certainly their best offer (except in the case of holiday goods, which sometimes go for up to 90 percent off after the season ends). If you love a product but it’s only marked at 30 percent off, odds are that in a few weeks, you can get it for less. Of course, you run the risk of the item going out of stock in the meantime, so you’ll need to decide if that’s a gamble you’re willing to take. The good news? Target’s markdown schedule is somewhat predictable. As that same blog post outlines in more detail, the store has predetermined days for marking down different departments. So, the next time you go to Target, head straight toward the aisle end cap and look for the highest possible number in the top right corner of that little red sticker. If you’re not putting this shopping secret to use, you’re leaving money on the table. And for more money-saving shopping tips, check out these 27 Can’t-Miss Online Shopping Secrets.