Editor’s note: Net worth is defined as the value of assets you have in the bank and any properties you own minus outstanding debt (otherwise known as liabilities).

  • The median household net worth in the U.S. is $121,700. Median is the middle point where half the households have more and half have less. ** A household in the U.S. has an average net worth of $692,100. Average includes all households, including extremely high net worth individuals, which is why that figure is always going to be high. Median net worth: $13,900 Average net worth: $76,300 Median net worth: $91,300 Average net worth: $436,200 And if you want to know where people are spending with abandon, This Is the Most Reckless State in America. Median net worth: $168,600ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb Average net worth: $833,200 Median net worth: $212,500 Average net worth: $1,175,900 And for more helpful information sent straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. Median net worth: $266,400 Average net worth: $1,217,700 Median net worth: $254,800 Average net worth: $977,600 And for a timely finance tip you need to know, This Common Mistake Could Delay Your Tax Refund This Year, IRS Says.