Then on March 18, the Full Moon in Virgo will bring things back down to earth. Full Moon cycles allow for the release of big emotions and looking forward to new horizons. Virgo brings the power of organization and focus so you can make your dreams a reality. If you’ve been toying with the idea of starting a new morning routine, this is the time to plan what you want your future to look like. Then, just two days later, the Sun enters Aries on March 20 bringing in a bold new energy to the astrological year. Read on to discover your weekly horoscope for living your best life from March 13 to March 19. For the most accurate reading, we recommend looking at the horoscope for your rising sign. RELATED: The Zodiac Sign Most Likely to Become a Millionaire, Astrologers Say Aries, your season is right around the corner. You’ve been working hard and people are noticing you. There may even be a new opportunity on the horizon for you. It can feel tempting to rush the final bits of that big project or plan you’ve been working on. But remember, the biggest learning moments in life come when you allow yourself to enjoy the process. Try to enjoy the final peaceful moments of Pisces season before things get crazy for you next week. Don’t fret if the last few weeks put you in a romantic rut, Taurus. The other-worldly vibes of Pisces season may have thrown your dating life into whack, but the Full Moon in Virgo on the March 18 will bring some much-needed grounding energy your way. Keep your eyes open this week for unexpected opportunities to meet new people and explore new social arenas. You may surprise yourself when you step outside your comfort zone this week. Things have been busy, busy, busy for you, Gemini. Between juggling work, projects, and your dating life, it’s been harder to find time for the things that matter. Give yourself permission to close down your laptop and reconnect with your loved ones this week. The Full Moon in Virgo on the 18th is the perfect time to reach out to that old college friend, or make plans to grab lunch and catch up with a friend. RELATED: The Most Gossipy Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer. You’ve been very popular this month, Cancer. Last week might’ve reintroduced some characters from your past, and this week is no different. While it might feel nice to be needed, it’s important to protect your energy and focus on yourself this week. If you’re looking for an excuse to declutter your house or just enjoy a lazy afternoon reading inside, this is the perfect time to do it. Rest and relaxation are important; don’t feel bad if you have to postpone projects or make a raincheck on plans. With the moon in your home sign on the 17th, this week may bring up some chaotic energy for you, Leo. You’re juggling a lot, and the pace doesn’t show any sign of slowing down. It’s important for you to build in some leisure time to recharge this week. There may also be some unexpected expenses hitting your bank account around the Full Moon on the 18th, so it’s best to keep the frivolous spending to a minimum this week. The Full Moon is in your sign this week, Virgo. You’ve been working hard behind the scenes on something for the last several months. As the finish line draws nearer, you’ll be feeling especially nostalgic for everything you’ve accomplished this year. Take the time to pat yourself on the back and reward yourself for staying so committed to your goals. Take yourself out on a nice solo date this week to unwind a bit. You earned it! RELATED: The Most Anxious Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers. This week might bring some confusion to your love life, Libra. There have been a few sweethearts on your horizon vying for your attention, including an ex or two. But the Neptune conjunction occurring on March 13 might have you wondering if you’re really making the best decisions in the long run. Don’t let sweet talk distract you from your gut instincts. Remember: If they wanted to make things work, they would. Pisces season looks good on you, Scorpio. You’ve been setting boundaries and putting yourself first lately. While it won’t make you the most popular with folks looking to take advantage of your kindness, your friends and family will understand if you need some time to re-center yourself. Keep your eyes focused on your goals, and be mindful to only share your biggest secrets this week with those you know you can trust.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb There’s some pressure on you to perform this week, Sagittarius. You’ll finally get the opportunity to prove your skills with an upcoming job or career opportunity. And though you love figuring things out on your own, remember it’s never a bad idea to ask for help when you need it. Take things one step at a time over the next few days. And don’t be afraid to call up your closest confidant if the Full Moon in Virgo on the 18th has you feeling a little emotional. RELATED: For more astrology content delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. Last week was a tough one for you, Capricorn. The good news is that the Full Moon in Virgo will finally bring some clarity to the situations that have been causing you trouble. While you’re not out of the woods quite yet, those slowdowns that have been stalling your plans will finally get resolved this week. Keep your cool, and don’t let other people’s energy throw you off this week—your ambitions are about to pay off. You’re feeling unusually bold and wild this week, Aquarius. The sun connects with Neptune on March 13 ushering in some big financial plans for you. Whether you’ve been contemplating a big purchase or taking a huge step in your relationship, this is the perfect time to take a big risk. It’s important to use the energy of the Full Moon in Virgo on the 18th to release any doubt you may have before jumping into your next big adventure. This final week of Pisces season is a big one for you, Pisces. As the sun and Neptune connect in your sign on the 13th, you’ll be feeling extra emotional. Don’t be afraid to let the tears flow and sit with your feelings as you reminisce over the last few years. The Full Moon in Virgo on the 18th will be an important time for you, as well. If you’ve been meaning to make plans for the future, now is the time to revisit those dreams and take some actionable steps toward accomplishing them. RELATED: The Zodiac Sign Best at Lying, According to an Astrologer. Lauren Ash is an astrologer and culture writer based in St. Louis. You can follow her on Twitter or subscribe to her blog for monthly horoscopes and cosmic guidance.